Wanted: Occult Staff

Wanted: Occult Staff

Given by Carlos
Location Aston
Rewards 40,000 exp
Repeatable Yes
Minimum Level
Recommended Level 34
Min Level For No Cap 34
Unlocked by Unlocks
None None

Carlos Dragon Quest


Below the Crypt there have been some sounds, he sent an army to investigate. His army found a staff that kept these monsters alive. They brought the staff back to Aston. The staff has been stolen, and sounds are coming from below the Crypt again. Carlos requests you get the staff and bring it back to him.


Quest Objectives

To complete this quest, the player must:

  • Find the Occult staff and bring back to Carlos.

Access from vampire crypt.

Dragons (Pink Dots) in the first section are level 30.   Fourth section is lvl 34/35.

Each section has Dragon with a key (Purple Dot) you must obtain to proceed.

Numbers (Blue) show where each teleport takes you.

On entering proceed to bottom R small room in section 1 to get your 1st key. Then go up, thru spike trap hallway to 1st lava maze room and use teleport there.  You will appear in hallway in section 2. Go to far end of hallway and thru fake wall (Orange Spots) . Key is in last small room here thru fake walls, retrace steps and go along bottom corridor thru locked door into spike trap (Red Spikes) hallway. Do Hall, Maze & Teleport again.

You will appear in a large room in section 3, take door to corridor with fake wall doors and get key from last room on right.  go back to first room on same side and do the Hall, maze, teleport again. You are now in last section, leave room crossing corridor to opposite room, last room here has key.  go back to corridor and take the other door, follow path killing dragons on way to Boss room, Kill boss get Staff, LEAVE the room because he respawns fast, and lag out or recall in corridor.
