Join the Tribe

Join the Tribe

Given by Kalanur
Location Nomad Plains
Rewards 10,000 exp
Repeatable No
Minimum Level
Recommended Level 65
Min Level For No Cap 65
Unlocked by Unlocks


On entering the Nomad Plains the player comes across a tall man called Kalanur. Kalanur welcomes the player to the plains of Vana Laka and advises the player to learn about their customs. He tells the player that they do not trade in gold, but instead trade in salt and wolf skins because they are essential to their survival.

The tribesmen are fierce warriors and their shaman’s magic is deadly.

To be accepted into the Kalanurs tribe, the Vana Kiru, the player must collect 100 ounces of salt and hand them to Kalanur.


Quest Objectives

To complete this quest, the player must:

  • Obtain 100 ounces of salt and give them to Kalanur.

Quest Walkthrough

To collect salt you need to kill wolves found north-east of Kalanur and exchange them for salt with Kalanur. Normal brown Wolf Skins will get you 5 ounces of salt and White Wolf Skins will get you 20 ounces of salt.

Once you have enough salt give 100 of it to Kalanur to be accepted into his tribe and receive your reward.


Nomad Plains. Created by MartinIronWill


  • Wolfs Skins and Salt can be stacked and split.