The Book Eater

The Book Eater

Given by Tracy
Location Arkhata
Rewards 100,000 exp
Repeatable No
Minimum Level 50
Recommended Level 58
Min Level For No Cap No cap
Unlocked by Unlocks
The Monks’ Request Entrance Passes


A large book eater has occupied the basement located in the hidden back-room in the south-west part of the library and it is chewing up Tracy’s most precious novels. The teleport system in the basement is enough to keep out the small book eaters but the large one appears to be smarter than the other and is able to navigate them.

Tracy would like you to go down into the basement and kill the large book eater to protect her novels.


Quest Objectives

  • Slay the Huge Book eater.


After receiving the quest head into the secret back-room located in the south-east part of the library. Go down the hole in the corner to the basement.

This area is occupied by Baby Book eaters. At the end of the corridor is a fake wall. Proceed through it into the next room.

In here are some teleports. You need to find the correct one to progress to the Huge Book eater. The correct teleports can be identified by checking their descriptions via holding shift and right-clicking on them. The correct ones have a lower case t for teleport in the description and the incorrect ones have a capitol t.

After passing through four correct teleports you will be in the room with the Huge Book eater. The Huge Book eater is very strong defensively and weak offensively so it can be a long fight. Once you have beaten him you will receive a confirmation message in your chat box.

Use the teleport in this room to take you back to the first set of teleports and then go back through the fake wall in the northern part of the room. Now leave the basement and return to Tracy for your rewards.